Tuesday, March 24, 2009

nuTravel and Certify Partnership

Today Certify.com announced a good news. They have successfully joined nuTravel Technology Solutions. nuTravel CTS (Corporate Travel Solutions) , the fastest and most flexible corporate self-booking tool in the market today has further its advancement by joining Certify.com. Here's an excerpt of the press release distributed by expense report management solution provider:

In today’s economy, companies are increasingly seeking out ways to better manage expenses while retaining a cutting edge in business productivity. The call for a fast, secure and comprehensive method is now answered through a strategic partnership between nuTravel Technology Solutions (nuTravel) and Certify.com, the leading self-service, online expense management solution for small to midsize companies. nuTravel CTS (Corporate Travel Solution), the fastest and most flexible corporate self-booking tool on the market, has furthered its advancements in the corporate travel market via integration with Certify.com. This new enhancement is built into CTS Expense Tracker; enabling travelers to book their travel arrangements while quickly and easily managing, tracking and controlling expenses through the its unique and intuitive interface. From http://www.certify.com/About/PR_NuTravel.aspx.
This partnership between the leading expense management software and corporate self-booking technology will make the travel space more easier for everyone. Tracking of expenses will be so convenient like never before.

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